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BAFA ===================== BAFA : Bundesamt für Wirtschaft und Ausfuhrkontrolle |br| Federal Office for Economic Affairs and Export Control The BAFA is granting a license for exporting our induction coils (MFS), super high frequency triple (SHFT) and the flugates (FGS-03e) Your Company ---------------- The license is granted for |br| **your company** AND **your address** As a consequence we will ship all orders (also later orders) to excactly this address. |br| Also return / repair shipments will be made to exactly this address Your Address ---------------- Take the offical way to write your address: Dr. Einstein |br| Institute of Geophysics |br| Main Street 123 |br| Berlin SO 456 |br| GERMANY office +49 40 12345 22 |br| mobile +49 172 678919 make it short; avoid: Prof. of Honour Dr. Einstein |br| Berlin University |br| Institute of Geophysics (former Laplace Institute) |br| Block Z |br| Level 5 |br| Main Street 123 |br| Nearby Hospital |br| Berlin SO 456 |br| Berlin county |br| GERMANY office 0049 (0) 40-12345 (9) ext 22 |br| mobile 0049 (0/1) +/- 172 678919 if something like "Block Z" is needed, it is ok. We need an institute phone number well as a *mobile* phone number (which is important at the time of delivery). For business contacts follow this link please