.. _coilfieldtesttool: .. |br| raw:: html
Coil Field Test Tool =================================== The coil field test tool evalutates data from a **parallel sensor test**. |br| Hence that the area where you measure shoul not be too *noisy*, sensors must not be over powered. |br| Coils must be parallel and horizontal. |br| Minimum distance at least 2 meters between the coils. |br| Keep 20 meters distance from the coils when recording (you, your laptop, your mobile phone). Don't record too long. Here we evaluate the magnetic field only - and this is varying. E.g. we take 3 minutes 64 kHz and 15 min 512 Hz; the 64 kHz can be filtered by 4x. Joblists: Software is part of new version of ProcMT