.. _downloads: .. |br| raw:: html
DOWNLOADS =================== ADU-08e an Introduction ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ A small presentation :download:`ADU-08e_an_Introduction.pdf ` Flyer & Brochures ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Flyer (quick reference sheets) are here `flyer `_ Download this manual and ALL items ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ This complete manual can be downloaded from here (choose **html_offline**) `manuals `_ The manual does not need a apache web server - you can open "index.html" with your firefox (or other). The manual **wants to be installed in "C:\\Users\\myname\\Documents\\metronix" or "~/Documents/metronix/" (Linux/Mac)** Some apps will try to open this location S o f t w a r e ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Download **SOFTWARE** from here: `software `_ In the **latest** folder you should find: - procmt_64bit : the official release of ProcMT (processing MT) - procmt_experimental_64bit : some test versions for upcoming processing - InSituCoilCal : a tool to check and prove the calibration of the MFS coils - JobListEditor for ADU-07e and ADu-08e systems - Firmware - please ask us! - manuals in manuals (hence that some manuals will be outdated) - under manuals you also find *this* html pages in html_offline - manuals/flyer flyer, brochures, poster and other promotions - ... and much more MT Data ^^^^^^^^^^^ Some free demo data can be found here: `MT Data `_ Public Files ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Others like talks, presentations and "unofficial" videos are here: `public `_